Current game: Torchlight II

Platform: PC via Steam

Current play through: 1

Current game completion (if known): N/A

Current party (if applicable): It is me, and a friend going through a play through right now. I am the Engineer class, and he is using the Embermage class.

Current level(s) (if applicable): 46

Current location: Imperial Camp

Current in game clock time: IDK

How have you been using your in game time?: Clearing dungeons, and completing missions.

Current objective: Kill some Djinni bitch.

Next objective: Don't know m8 first play through.

Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: It is a pretty solid game. All in all what diablo 3 should have been/

Total game overs?: None really. When you die you can respawn in the town and go right back to where you were. No real game overs.

Favorite event so far: Nothing significant yet

Favorite character and why: Engineer cause op son.

Random stat you want to include (wins, looses, party stats, ect ect): Poured all my points into strength so it is over 200 haha

Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game (1-5 stars; 1 being poor while 5 represents excellent): N/A

Comments: This is a very solid dungeon crawler. Reminds me of the old school days of diablo. Unfortunately it doesn't get the hype that diablo did therefore the fan base is rather low.